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Here are some FAQ that might be useful.

If you still can't find an answer, please send us an inquiry using the following contact form.

How many days in advance should I place my order?SIEBEL

It's recommended to order 3 days in advance as there might be some restrictions on pickup locations if it's later than that (you can still order though). But in general, the earlier, the better as we might run out of stock especially in high seasons.

How do I pickup at the airport?SIEBEL

Go to the post office and tell them that you are expecting a package, and then show them your passport and the tracking number that we send you before the pickup date. They know what to do.

What does the return date mean?SIEBEL

It is the day you drop off the rental items. You can simply drop it in any post box in Japan. Customers have to drop it off by the midnight of your return date. You do not have to worry about how long it will take for the items to get back to us as long as you drop it off in time.

How much is the shipping fee and tax? SIEBEL

Shipping fee and tax are included to the price displayed in this website.

How do I pickup at a hotel?SIEBEL

Please ask for your package at the front desk (most hotels hand it to you upon check-in). In case they cannot find it, please show them the tracking information you receive in the shipping confirmation email. Also, it would be helpful if you could inform your hotel that you are expecting a package from us before hand via email, etc..